Chayal Boded Lone Soldier

Being a Chayal Boded – Lone Soldier can have its ups and downs. Knowing that he or she is serving to protect the land of Israel and everyone living here is very special.  Most Lone Soldiers see first hand how so many people from Israel and the world care about them and will do whatever it takes to help them.

A Chayal Boded is part of a special family of men and woman who put themselves at constant risk to insure everyone around them can live normal lives. It is our duty and responsoblity to make sure they can blend into the Israeli Society so they can be able to have a great service.

At Chayal el Chayal we strive day and night to be able to make sure that every Chayal Boded Lone Soldier has a Home Away from Home. With care from present and former Lone Soldiers we try every day to make them feel that they have that home atmosphere to come to.

We run out of homes so every Chayal Boded Lone Soldier feels when they come that they are at home. We offer them places to sleep, food, books, game room, washing machines and every Shabbat and Holiday Meal. But it doesn’t stop there. Chayal el Chayal have dedicated former Chayal Boded lone soldiers that are there for each other. It is a family that makes it a very special atmosphere.

If you would like to see what goes on check out our Videos and get a glimpse of what goes on day to day at Chayal el Chayal.


Being a Chayal Boded Lone Soldier might be a challenge but Chayal el Chayal the IDF Lone Soldiers Home Away from Home is here for you.

If you would like to contact Ari or Mordy feel free to call us at 052.613.2170 or 058.558.8464.

You can also reach us from the USA at 347.763.9426

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