Laundry Services
“Loads of Loads”
After a week or more out in the field, the first thing a soldier wants to do after taking a long, hot shower is to dump all his clothing into a washing machine. Many soldiers don’t have the luxury of having their own washer or dryer, either because it’s too expensive or they don’t have space in their tiny apartment. Going to a laundromat can be expensive and a big hassle especially for an exhausted soldier trying hard to keep an eye on his clothing whilst forcing himself to stay awake. At Chayal el Chayal, we provide on-site washing machines and dryers which soldiers can use at any time. They are available to those joining the army or post army veterans as well.
While their clothes run through the various cycles, some choose to come upstairs and relax on the couch, maybe even take a nap. Those with more energy might go down to the game room and chill, or take a two minute to the Shuk to get a bite to eat or simply unwind after a long week.