
High School Purim Project

YOU can send Mishloach Manot to IDF Soldiers, get others to send and win prizes this Purim.


Its Fun and Simple

1.Get Family, Friends and Neighbors to Sponsor

2. Send in their names, amount of Mishloach Manot and Money.

3. Go into the raffle on PURIM.

You will make this the most exciting Purim for hundreds of IDF Soldiers.


1. Print the Mishlaoch Manot Sheet by clicking here. The first page is where you write the Sponsor’s first and last name, email address and phone number where we can contact them, the form of payment (C = Cash CH = Check O = Online) and in the last column the sponsor can write a short message to the soldier if they want.

2. Checks can be made out to Ezrat Israel and sent to Purim Project   479 Viola Rd Spring Valley, NY 10977.

3. If a sponsor chooses to pay online, they should go to www.idfpurim.org but make sure that you write down all the information on your sheet. Any information that is not written down, we can not count as your sponsor.

4. The second page is what you show your potential sponsors, plus where you will write the total amount of money you raised, your name and an email address we can contact you with.


  1. If you raise $18 (1 Mishloach Manot for 1 Soldier) or more, you will get 1 ticket into our Personalized Soldier Thank You Video raffle.
  2. If you raise $72 (4 MM for a squad), you will get 4 tickets into our Personalized Soldier Thank You Video raffle, plus 1 ticket into our second raffle for a $100 Visa Gift Card.
  3. If you raise $270 (15 MM for a team), you will get 6 tickets into our Personalized Soldier Thank You Video raffle, 2 tickets into our second raffle for a $100 Visa Gift Card plus a small gift.
  4. If you raise $900 (50 MM for a platoon), you will get 8 tickets into our Personalized Soldier Thank You Video, 4 tickets into our second raffle for a $100 Visa Gift Card and your choice of a gift.
  5. If you raise $1800 (100 MM for a Company), you will get 10 tickets into our Personalized Soldier Thank You Video, 8 tickets into our second raffle for a $100 Visa Gift Card plus a choice of 2 gifts.
    Class Group Effort: If you would like to do this together as a group, if you raise 50 Mishloach Manot together, each one of you will get one ticket into each raffle plus a framed picture of a platoon with a thank you, and if you raise 100 Mishloach Manot together, each of you will get a ticket into the raffles plus you will receive a Thank You Plaque from the company of soldiers which you can hang up in your classroom. 
    For all questions and comments please email Chaya Morozow at raffle@idfpurim.org
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