Passover Review

Passover Review

A week before Passover began Chayal el Chayal launched its first ever Teffilin Campaign for Lone Soldiers on base. The objective of the campaign was to put on Teffilin for 11 days and enter a raffle for an iPad. The campaign was a great success.  Lone Soldiers from all over the country sent in pictures daily, of themselves donning Teffilin.

The preparations leading up to the Holiday included preparing home cooked meals with chicken and meat for the entire Holiday, which was generously donated by Yashar Lachayal. Thousands of Matzahs were donated by Or Lachayal, which really made a tremendous difference to the lone soldiers; to have handmade Shmura Matzah.
To start off the holiday Chayal el Chayal gave Passover Seder Packages to Lone Soldiers in the IDF Chemical Warfare Unit. The packages were made possible by the parents and students of the Charlotte Jewish Day School. We had two beautiful Seders which gave lone soldiers a homey environment, between having a chance to ask the four questions, dozing off on the couch and eating some homemade Passover chicken soup.
Throughout the week of Chol Hamoed every day was another event. Sunday was a beautiful BBQ, where the soldiers got a delicious dinner as well as a fun environment. Monday was the extreme hike to Nahal Darga where the soldiers had to go repelling, and swimming to get through the trail. On Tuesday there was a camping trip up North in the Golan Heights. Wednesday was a ‘Smoothie and Shakes’ event which was only made possible thanks to the excellent skills of one of our lone soldiers, who put together such delicious concoctions for everyone to enjoy. Thursday was a Wine, Cheese and Chocolate tasting which the soldiers really enjoyed. Thursday night we had two Passover meals at two of the homes. Friday was a packed day! It started off with a BBQ lunch in the early afternoon. Later on that evening we had the Grand Moshiach Seudah which lasted through the Friday night meal until after midnight.Shabbat Day ended the holiday festivities with a beautiful meal with singing and schmoozing until late in the afternoon.

Overall the Lone Soldiers had an incredible Passover experience and next year G-d willing we will only grow and make even more exciting activities with many more lone soldiers involved.

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