: Holidays

IDF Purim Mishloach Manot for Lone Soldiers

Purim is a joyous holiday where family and friends celebrate together to remember the story of Mordechai and Esther. This Purim, Chayal el Chayal together with forty five volunteers which included former, present, and future lone soldiers, brought joy and happiness to soldiers on base through the IDF Purim Mishloach Manot for Lone Soldiers.

The IDF Purim Mishloach Manot project which was run by Chayal el Chayal, teamed up with Standing Together, and packaged 3,000 Mishloach Manot for the soldiers.

IDF Purim Mishloach Manot for Lone Soldiers

Weeks before Purim, children from all around the world wrote letters to the IDF soldiers to be received on Purim together with their Mishloach Manot. Chaya Morozow who runs the Purim Project Letters to Soldiers, received calls from enthusiastic schools and parents who wanted their children to have a connection with the IDF Soldiers. The turnout was really incredible! Hundreds of kids, as well as many college campuses from across the united states, sent in letters.

Packaging 3,000 Mishloach Manot was not an easy task. It took more than twelve hours a day of dedication from our volunteers. One of our lone soldier homes was filled with goodies from the floor until the ceiling. Inside the Mishlaoch Manot were Pringles, Energy Drinks, Chocolate Candy Bars and much more. The Mishlaoch Manot gave the soldiers a home-feeling, even though they were thousands of miles away.

Purim IDF 3

The smile that was brought to thousands of lone soldiers was amazing! Next Year Chayal el Chayal plant to give out more than 3,000 Mishloach Manot.

Purim in Jerusalem, which was celebrated on Thursday night and Friday, brought throngs of Lone Soldiers to Chayal el Chayal to hear the Meggilah reading, enjoy a festive meal and have a great time. The Purim meal went until 1:30am with singing, dancing and good resolutions throughout the evening.

Read what Chabad.org wrote about Purim at Chayal el Chayal and the visitis to the soldiers on base.

View Photos of the IDF Purim Project Mishloach Manot Campaign.

Thank You to all our sponsors and supporters that made this happen.

Lone Soldiers Chanukah 5775 Recap


Chanukah at Chayal el Chayal was action packed. Every night a different event and gift was planned out to the last detail. Being far away from family during the holidays is extremely difficult for lone soldiers and our goal at Chayal el Chayal was to enhance their Chanukah and light up their hearts.


The first night: Chanukah started out with a Menorah Lighting, and a Chanukah Party with a warm family atmosphere. There we handed out fleece blankets to keep our lone soldiers warm and cozy this winter. The evening allowed former and drafting soldiers to spend time together.


The second night: We went to Talpiyot, Jerusalem for a bowling trip. It was a great way for soldiers to let loose a bit and do something exciting and different than the average day. During bowling all the lone soldiers received custom made Dri- Fit t-shirts and bracelets!


The third night: We had our annual Dreidel Party resulting in many soldiers taking on good resolutions. Chayal el Chayal wants to say a huge thank you to the Rosin family & Chibuki staff for supplying us with rechargeable hot water bottles (chibukis) at our dreidel party. The winter here in Israel can be harsh and brutal, yet thanks to your devotion Chayal el Chayal was able to hand out this amazing product to keep our boys and girls, that our defending our country, nice and warm. All the soldiers are still talking about how amazing this gift is!


The fourth night: Friday afternoon was special for all, many lone soldiers from the newest draft as well as some from the older drafts got off base and came to the pizza party. Chayal el Chayal gave out custom designed fleece jackets with our logo on it. The lone soldiers can now walk around feeling warm and proud with a fleece that reminds them of their home away from home, here in Jerusalem.


The fifth night: We had a Motzei Shabbat event at Mamilla Mall in Jerusalem, it was spectacular!! Together with Rabbi Eli and Chana Canterman of Chabad of Talbiah, we lit a grand menorah in front of over 1000 people, whilst enjoying a Portnoy Brother concert. Chayal el Chayal was privileged to honor the lone soldiers for the lighting of the Menorah. After the lighting, the lone soldiers were invited to a private home in mamilla to have a rooftop BBQ. We had over 100 lone soldiers there. That night the lone soldiers received Cham Tzavars, neck warmers.


The sixth night: Chayal el Chayal together with organization Gesher Shel Zahav enjoyed a grand Menorah lighting in the Churva Shul in the Old City, Jerusalem. Soldiers from Duvdavan and Netzach Yehuda joined us, as well as boys from the Sderot community. It was a beautiful and uplifting opportunity for us all.



The seventh night: Our new program Bodedim B’Yachad (Lone Soldiers United), planned a tour of a winery in the Gush Etzion and a lavish restaurant dinner! Chayal el Chayal gave out chogrons, mini army wallets.


The eighth night: On the final night of Chanukah, Chayal el Chayal presented a sushi party and drawing of our grand mivtza raffle. The winners are current lone soldier Dovi W. a brand new piece of equipment and former lone soldier, Chaim R., a gopro! All of our lone soldiers who needed a heater received their own personal one that night.

This was a Chanukah that will not be forgotten for a long time by all of these lone soldiers.

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