All posts by Chayal el Chayal

Steak BBQ For Lone Soldiers

This past Saturday night, thanks to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Plotkin and the Chabad of Markham community, we enjoyed an incredible and delicious BBQ. Yonatan Attias and Tzvi lead us in the most inspiring Havdalah ceremony. Following Havdalah, we sat down for a mouth-watering steak BBQ. It was a pleasure hearing personal experiences from many of the soldiers as we

Passover Review

Passover Review A week before Passover began Chayal el Chayal launched its first ever Teffilin Campaign for Lone Soldiers on base. The objective of the campaign was to put on Teffilin for 11 days and enter a raffle for an iPad. The campaign was a great success.  Lone Soldiers from all over the country sent in pictures

IDF Purim Mishloach Manot for Lone Soldiers

Purim is a joyous holiday where family and friends celebrate together to remember the story of Mordechai and Esther. This Purim, Chayal el Chayal together with forty five volunteers which included former, present, and future lone soldiers, brought joy and happiness to soldiers on base through the IDF Purim Mishloach Manot for Lone Soldiers. The

Year End Review

Lone Soldiers Home – Chayal el Chayal Year End Review Three Lone Soldier Homes: Chayal el Chayal expanded to three homes! Each one is located in the heart of Jerusalem, only a two minute walk from Shuk Machane Yehudah and Ben Yehudah. Our homes host between 30-70 soldiers each Shabbat and is a place where

Lone Soldiers Chanukah 5775 Recap

  Chanukah at Chayal el Chayal was action packed. Every night a different event and gift was planned out to the last detail. Being far away from family during the holidays is extremely difficult for lone soldiers and our goal at Chayal el Chayal was to enhance their Chanukah and light up their hearts.  

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